Accruent Meridian Enterprise Server 2020 R2 Administrator's Guide

Manage Custom Resources

Custom resource files are uploadable data that you can use to configure some Meridian Enterprise Server features, such as:

  • Watermark image files
  • Watermark print stamp Javascript files
  • Watermark signature page templates
  • Printer configuration files
  • Custom rendering module scripts

Besides uploading new resources, you can delete old ones that are no longer needed.


You may upload resource files with the same filename multiple times but you must assign a unique caption to each one. This means that you cannot update the content of an existing resource by simply uploading a new file. Instead, you must download the file, edit it, and then upload it back to the server.

To manage custom resources:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Settings. The Application Settings page appears.
  2. On the APPLICATION SETTINGS page, in the MANAGEMENT TOOLS group, for the Custom resources item, click MANAGE. The RESOURCES dialog box appears.
  •  To add a new resource:

    1. Click Add. The UPLOAD RESOURCE dialog box appears.
    2. Click the folder icon . The Open dialog box appears.
    3. Navigate to and select the resource file that you want to upload and then click Open. The filename appears in the File path field.
    4. Type a unique name for the resource in Display Name.
    5. Click UPLOAD. The file uploads to the server and appears in the RESOURCES list.

  • To delete a resource:

    1. Click the Remove icon next to the resource name that you want to delete. A warning dialog box appears.
    2. Click YES. The resource is deleted.
  • To download a resource so that you can edit it:

    1. In the row of the resource that you want to edit, click the Download icon . The file is downloaded by your browser and you are prompted for what to do with it.


      If the resource is a signature page template (HTML file), the file will open in a new browser tab instead of downloading. To work around this, right-click the icon and on the shortcut menu that appears, click Save target as. You may then download the file.

    2. Save the file somewhere on your PC, edit it as necessary, and then upload the file back to the server using the following task.
  • To upload new content for an existing resource:
    1. In the row of the resource that you want to upload, click the Edit icon . The UPLOAD RESOURCE dialog box appears.
    2. Click the folder icon . The Open dialog box appears.

    3. Navigate to and select the resource file that you want to upload and then click UPLOAD. The file uploads to the server and replaces the content of the resource.
  1. Click CANCEL.